Tuesday, December 6, 2011


1.)  I am making an audio piece about my experience as sports photographer as opposed to sports fan. I recorded a lot of footage and I think I found some things out about myself. This is really rough right now. I think I want to add a description of my experience of a specific game at the beginning and add a layer of game sounds.

- I still don't know if I should have a visual aspect, what to you guys think?
- I was hoping that I could get some feedback on what to include in this piece. Here is the basic transcript of what I recorded. If you like something in this more than what I included I would love to hear:

- on the field things can be so chaotic, and since I am looking at it through a 300mm lens it is really easy for me to miss what's important because my focus is elsewhere.
- A lot of the time the only thing clueing me into the fact that there is a big play happening is the sound of  the 110 thousand people in the stands  screaming 
- There is always a quick moment of uncertainty while I am searching for my focus when my stomach sinks, and I get overwhelmed.
- but since I know that I have get this photo, that stress is eclipsed by adrenaline and a calm comes over me which allows me to look up from my viewfinder and to go through my checklist - on my checklist I'm looking for 
-the subject,
-My path of entry - how to get to the place I need to be without getting
screamed at or trampled or in the way of other photographers. 
- I'm looking for an angle that is most interesting - that's not just in my
positioning even though that is important, i also want to get the angle that no one else is going to get. That's where knowing these players and being able to anticipate action comes into play. 
- While other photographers may be more interested in shooting the action on the field a lot the time I am more interested in their reaction
- After a touchdown there are some players who will ham it up for the cameras - chest-bump their teammates, do a dance, high five everyone in their path - but to me those are too easy,  I like the more intimate moments that happen once they run off the field - the smirks, the rituals, the interactions with teammates. It is those little moments that I am able to show these men as individuals
- It's funny because the reason I love shooting the game is the same reason I hate watching it from the stands or on television -  the fact that every game looks so similar. The rules of the game make it so there can never be any real surprises. The center will always snap the ball to the quarterback, the quarterback can only do so many things with it - he can pass it, hand it off or run it…
- When I am taking photos i love the challenge of finding those surprises. Those moments no one else gets to see - the stuff that happens in between.
- From the stands or on TV you aren't able to see that kind of the raw emotion.
- once I've sorted through everything and chosen my focus there is a sense of accomplishment i love
- the comfort in knowing that I have one aim, one goal in mind, and knowing exactly what I need to do to realize it. 
- my job as a photojournalist is to sort through all of the action and to translate that to viewers in a clear way. 
 I view everything in such a particular way that I tend to forget that my way of thinking isn't universal
- When I see or hear something that sparks my interest I  obsess.
- I when I  fixate on something I analyze ever aspect of it, my mind seems like it is moving at a mile a minute - coming up with new ideas, and making conclusions and in the process I will get so excited that want to share my thoughts 
- however, its always been a huge struggle for me to translate those thoughts into anything condensed enough for people outside my mind to understand.
-  I get frustrated because I know what I have to say and I don't want to be misunderstood, but it takes time for me to organize my thoughts enough for others to be able to sort through.
- Taking photos gives me the opportunity to share my perspective in a much more direct way.
- I realize that's why I love shooting football so much.
-  I would never be able to verbally summarize an entire football game in less than a minute, but with my camera I'm able to turn a millisecond of action into an image that tells a story the way I think it should be told.
-  since everything moves so quickly and my purpose is so clear i don't have the option to go off on tangents.  

3.)  For Monday I want to have a fully developed audio piece with more of a definitive beginning middle and end. Right now I think I do a lot of analyzing but there is no definitive story and I want to fix that.


The aspect of time I find most compelling is its mailability. I always assumed time was a beast of its own - just ticking along at the same rate without asking anyone’s say in the matter. But when Prof. Savit explained Einstein's Theory of Relativity in lecture I was suddenly thinking about the role I play in the passage of time. While it might seem like a stretch, the fact that an entity as seemingly concrete as time could shift with perspective made me think about the validity individuals' points of view. In the time piece by Radio Lab, Robert Crawwich spoke in scientific terms about how generally speaking we don't realize that our version is faster or slower than anyone else's.

It is easy to forget that everyone experiences the world in a different lens. Since I see things in such a specific way it is easy for me to dismiss the other perspectives. Realizing that everyone's view of the world is just as real to them as mine is to me, it is easier to empathize.

Monday, December 5, 2011

on performing

Performing in class I wasn't expecting to get as nervous as I did. I am fine speaking in class and presenting my work but performing was a different kind of challenge. Whenever I present work there is a certain sense of vulnerability - opening myself up to others' judgement - but getting up in front of the class and trying on shoes while my peers looked on was incredibly nerve racking. The nervous energy I incorporated into my performance was intentional, but I think the fact that I was actually on edge added an element of reality to the piece that I don't think I could have achieved recording a video of myself.

Before this assignment I kind of grouped all performance artists together, assuming that they valued shock value above most everything else. I see now how difficult the medium can be, and how many different ways there are for artists to utilize it to convey a message.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

video portrait.

I am pretty satisfied with the final product but I do think there are a few things that need to be cleared up.
Do you think I need it to be longer?
Is the one example of miscommunication enough or should I have more?
Do you understand the dynamics of the situation - that I had a translater that I was speaking though?
What could I do to make it clearer?

Monday, October 31, 2011


As many of you have probably already realized I am not naturally inclined to wake up early. Every weekday I have class at 9 am or earlier and in order to wake up I set the alarm on my phone and my computer in addition to a real alarm clock I put on the other side of the room to really get me up and out of bed. Most mornings I also get a concerned series of calls from my father whose experience waking me up as I was growing up gave him a better idea of just how deep of a sleeper I am. I have been told that I can be pretty tricky in my half conscious state between real wakefulness and that ridiculously sound sleep I can get in to by the people who have tried to wake me up in the past too. I can have entire conversations with people in that in between state, assuring them that I am indeed awake, that I don't recall at all minutes later when I've actually become fully conscious.  Last summer I was interested in this phenomenon and created a system where I rigged my macbook to take a picture of me with its built in camera when the alarm sounds. Unfortunately the files got deleted so photos to come for that. Taking the picture gave purpose to the one part of my day I don't remember.
